NICK Bakery, Hungary

VENTOS VC03-8 AOI exhaust gas heat exchangers of a total output of 40 kW were placed into the flue gas installation of four ovens. The exchangers are used for heating water for the heating system by means of the flue gas passing through the chimney. The system is equipped with a VENTOS delivery station connected to the current system.

The project included an air-conditioning recuperation system solving the ventilation and heating in the whole facility including the dispatching department.   The air-conditioning unit has a total output of 30,000 cubic meters per hour. Textile outlets were selected to solve the distribution of air in the workplace.

Exhaust gas heat exchanger VENTOS_1Exhaust gas heat exchanger VENTOS_1
Exhaust gas heat exchanger VENTOS_2Exhaust gas heat exchanger VENTOS_2
Air-conditioning recuperationAir-conditioning recuperation


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