Denso Manufacturing Czech s.r.o., Liberec

5 exhaust gas heat exchangers of a total output of 1335 kW were installed on the roof of the production hall being connected to a delivery station.  In winter they are used for heating of the local facilities. For the summer period, the system is also equipped with an absorption cooling unit of an output of 600 W and a temperature gradient of the cooling water of 7 °C/13 °C. The infeed thermal output is 900 kW and the temperature gradient is 110 °C/95 °C.

The investment in such a comprehensive solution for utilizing the waste heat for heating and absorption cooling is fully returned in only 3 years.

Placing the exhaust gas exchanger on the roof before insulating the connection kits.Placing the exhaust gas exchanger on the roof before insulating the connection kits.
Cooling towers with a covered absorption unit.Cooling towers with a covered absorption unit.


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