3D Construction and Development

3D konstrukce

The development of the company and the customers' requirements made us decide for deliveries of designing works which required the development department and subsequently the prototype and assembly shops to be established. 



To design our products, we use the professional SolidEdge 3D construction software, which is used by renowned multi-national production companies as well.   SolidEdge supports the interconnection with the information system including the automatic export of necessary components with relation to warehouse stock and provides a connection to the production technology, i.e. CNC machining tools and their programming equipment. 


  • Modelling and visualisation, solving the assigned tasks to allow the customer gain an exact notion of the problem given. 
  • Exporting data into various kinds of data files for future processing and retaining compatibility.

Contact us now! Do not hesitate to contact us about 3D construction and development or enquire immediately! We will be happy to discuss the possible solutions to your needs at a personal meeting.



Contact us now! Do not hesitate to contact us about 3D Construction immediately! We will be happy to discuss the possible solutions to your needs at a personal meeting.

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2012 - 2025 © Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s., Tovární 205, 408 01, Rumburk, +420 412 354 613, info@ventos.cz
Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s. je součástí české strojírenské skupiny SkyLimit Industry
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