Heat Exchangers

One of the main products to which a patent held by the VENTOS company is related is the increase of heat transfer on the heat-exchanging surfaces of heat exchangers achieved by means of a special technology of heat registers designed by our specialists.  Owing to this progressive step, we are able to design exhaust gas heat exchangers in a way allowing them to achieve the least head loss possible in the exhaust duct (from as low as 5 Pa).   That allows us to utilize the waste heat even with low pressure surplus sources which did not enable any heat recovery technology to be installed on them before. 

To produce this technology, we use special noble materials resistant to high temperatures, complying with all the strict food-industry standards, fitted for outdoor or indoor installation and equipped with a wide range of accessories to the customer's wish. 

Basic Division of VENTOS Exhaust Gas Heat Exchangers

  • Based on the exhaust gas (air) temperature: With high-potential heat, heat exchangers are divided in two basic groups based on the exhaust gas temperature of up to 350 °C and above 350 °C (the exhaust gas temperature limit is max. 650 °C, in case of higher exhaust gas temperatures additional feed of cold air and cooling of the exhaust gasses to the allowable value is required).  
  • Based on the water (input medium) temperature: Usually, we use the perceivable heat in the exhaust gasses as a source of energy for the heated medium (standard exhaust gas heat exchanger), with which the input temperature of the water fed into the exhaust gas exchanger does not decrease below the condensation level (the condensation level is usually 53 °C on the part of water and above 100 °C with the exhaust gasses). If the input temperature of the water fed into the exhaust gas exchanger is 10 - 45 °C for instance, it is recommended to install a condensing exhaust gas heat exchanger using not only the perceivable heat but the latent heat (hidden, condensing) as well, by means of which the exhaust gas heat exchanger achieves an output level twice as high as the standard type with perceivable heat in the condensing mode.


Note: It is recommended to install a standard exchanger using perceivable heat as the primary and a condensing exchanger as the secondary one, pre-heating the coldest water (e.g. from the water supply or after being chemically modified).   Such a system supports the maximum utilization of waste energy.

  • Based on the safety elements (standard type): There are several options for heat utilization with every source. The highest savings can be achieved when utilizing heat directly for the given source, e.g. the option to pre-heat feedwater or backwater from the system which the source is supposed to continuously heat to a pre-set temperature. In such cases, the exhaust gas heat exchanger is running only when the technology is working and a continuous flow of water through the exhaust gas heat exchanger is guaranteed.  It is not necessary to install any safety elements in such cases.

After installing the exhaust gas heat exchanger on, let's say, a bakery furnace producing heat 16 hours a day and using hot water to prepare the product, the system should be accumulated enough and the utilization of waste heat is no longer necessary.  To avoid overheating of the system, it is possible to equip the heat exchanger with an integral or external exhaust gas by-pass system controlled by the output water temperature or a central control system in a way preventing the overheating of the system.

Example of using HR in bakery operations

Ovens 1 x 81 m2, 1 x 50 m2, 1 x 25 m2
Time of operation approx. 15 hrs./day, 350 days/year
VENTOS heat exchangers produce 2000 kW/day
Bakery requirement for feedwater heating              880 kW/day
Bakery requirement for supply water heating 1 130 kW/day
In case of lower requirements for heated supply water, it can be used for heating for a period of 8 months/year. 
Natural gas saved annually ………. 2000 kW/day x 350 x 0.106 = 74 200 cubic meters of natural gas


Our offer for small bakeries:  We introduce the new VENTOS Packs for heat recovery (referred to as HR below), with which the savings achieved in small-scale bakeries can be significant and the return on your investment in the new technology is fast. 

Thanks to HR, you can avoid increased costs due to the growing prices of energy sources. 


Contact us now! Do not hesitate to contact us about our heat exchangers or enquire immediately! We will be happy to discuss the possible solutions to your needs at a personal meeting.


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Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s. je součástí české strojírenské skupiny SkyLimit Industry
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