Machine Building

In the field of machine building, we manufacture exhaust gas heat exchangers including accessories, machine covers, welding units, lifting platforms, air-conditioning pipelines, etc.

Our product range also includes access platforms and ladders manufactured as parts of the machine covers and cabins. All ladders comply with the ČSN standards currently in force. Our access platforms are produced either in suspended or structure-attached versions, based on the customer's needs. The materials used are always thoroughly discussed with the customer. 

TOS Varnsdorf a.s.

Our product range also includes access platforms and ladders manufactured as parts of the machine covers and cabins.

  •  All ladders comply with the ČSN standards currently in force.
  • Our access platforms are produced either in suspended or structure-attached versions, based on the customer's needs.
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Mileta a.s., Černý důl

A view of the exhaust gas heat exchanger and other structures from the access platform of a steam boiler.  All the structures and access platforms manufactured by VENTOS s.r.o. 

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Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech, s.r.o.

Full-scale production and delivery of a special exhaust gas heat exchanger including the flue duct and feeding duct for the air-conditioning pipeline at  Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech, s.r.o.


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KOMPEK, kombinát pekařské a cukrářské výroby, spol. s r.o.

Air-conditioning pipeline - full-scale production and installation as a part of the operational recovery of the KOMPEK, s.r.o. - bakery and pastry manufacturing. 

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Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s. je součástí české strojírenské skupiny SkyLimit Industry
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