Fahrer Bohemia s.r.o., Česká Lípa

Utilization of waste heat from the Logano SK 740 hot-water boiler of an input of  1850 kW. The output of the VENTOS exhaust gas heat exchanger is 93 kW.The heat exchanger is connected to a backwater pipeline and warms up the backwater from the system. By installing a VENTOS exhaust gas heat exchanger, savings of gas are achieved for the burners heating the medium by  Δt.

A VENTOS exhaust gas heat exchanger of an output of 93 kW is installed on the Logano SK 745 boiler flue ductA VENTOS exhaust gas heat exchanger of an output of 93 kW is installed on the Logano SK 745 boiler flue duct


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Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s. je součástí české strojírenské skupiny SkyLimit Industry
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