
Manufacturer of industrial dryers VENTOS s.r.o. extends the portfolio of offered dryers for a wide range of uses in the food, agriculture and energy sectors, which currently have the best thermal and technical parameters of operation, utilizing a high degree of exhaust air recovery.

Offered dryers are stationary and containerized

1) Stationary 1-5 passports with or without pre-drier.

-Input material capacity up to 400 kg / h according to the chosen dryer size.

-Drying of the driers is ensured by a separate heat source or using waste heat from (biogas plant, cogeneration unit, condensate, waste water)

-Deliveries of dryers can be equipped with their own gas unit for heating, possibly heating the drying air or an alternative heat source.

-Dryers can be complemented by a hot-water blanket, spreader belt, conveyor belts and other accessories.

-Turnkey delivery including control and setting of the drying curve

Different material designs


2) Container dryers

Suitable for drying pellets, grain, sawdust and cuttings up to 20 mm and moisture content of feedstock up to 35% and outlet moisture content of 16%. Dried material will be alfalfa or straw or hay.

The heat source can be used from waste heat (biogas stations, cogeneration units, condensate, waste water)

Possibility to equip the air-drying unit with a gas unit or to choose alternative heat sources.


uDryer parameters: Standard design
uMoisture of the input material to the dryer:   35%
uOutput material humidity   16%
uInput material dimensions up to   20 mm
uDried alfalfa, straw, hay, pellets
uDrying air temperature:   up to 80 ° C
uDryer parameters are given for outside air temperature of 10 ° C and 60% relative humidity  
Kontejnerové provedení sušárny
teplovodní blanžérteplovodní blanžér VENTOS, určený pro potravinářskou výrobu
Rozmetací pás 2Rozmetací pás slouží k rovnoměrnému rozmístění produktu do sušárny
Průmyslová sušárna na ovoce a zeleninu
Rekuperační výměník sušárna
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Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s. je součástí české strojírenské skupiny SkyLimit Industry
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