Machine Covers

Krytování strojů

Machine covers are a modern way of improving the working environment quality as well as the function of the machine itself or its operation. We deliver static machine covers fixed to the machine foundation, as well as moving covers. Our products are either tailor-made to the requirements of the customer and individually adapted for each machine or modular, based on existing modules for standard machines. The machine can be covered in full, partly or the covers can be customized. Our goal in the field of machine covers is to provide our customers with full service, starting from the design, through manufacturing and installing the covers to guarantee and post-guarantee services. 

Why cover machines

High-quality and precise covers especially provide:

  • increased ergonomics in the workplace
  • adherence to legal requirements and safety regulations
  • improved design and visual appearance not only of the machine itself but the workplace as a whole

Machine Covers - other components

Access platforms or ladders are usually integral parts of the machine covers we produce. All ladders and platforms meet the requirements of the ČSN standards currently in force. Our access platforms are produced either in suspended or structure-attached versions, based on the customer's needs. The materials used are always thoroughly discussed with the customer.

Machine Covers - Types

Guided Cabins

  • for big machining devices, we currently produce workplace cabins guided by the machine slider
  • all cabins are offered in various customized modifications (e.g. with or without sidebars, etc.)
  • noise damping and other optional modifications to the customer's wish
  • Static covers can be used with different kinds of machines varying from food industry application to machine building
  • Based on our customers' requests, they are divided into:
    • roofed covers
    • roofless covers
    • covers optionally equipped with showers
    • completely closed covers
    •  type C covers

Static Covers

Opening the workplace cover:

  • mechanical
  • electrical
  • pneumatic
  • customized
Machine covers – Option 1Machine covers – Option 1
Machine covers - Option 2Machine covers - Option 2
Machine covers  - RealisationMachine covers - Realisation

In need of modern and high-quality machine covers? Do not hesitate to enquire. We will assist you in full in discussing your requirements and suggesting an efficient solution for you and your machines.

Items with * are mandatory.

2012 - 2025 © Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s., Tovární 205, 408 01, Rumburk, +420 412 354 613,
Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s. je součástí české strojírenské skupiny SkyLimit Industry
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