Energy Savings

Considering the significant increase in the costs of energy (natural gas, heating oil as well as black and brown coal), it is our priority to utilize the primary input energy sources to the maximum extent.

Within our work, we are mainly focused on decreasing the nominal consumption of energy used in production and minimization of heat, cold and electricity production costs. 

For this reason, we launched the development of special heat exchangers for the recovery of high-potential heat. We have successfully produced the exchangers for some years now.  We are owners of a patent the technology of which provides the increase of heat transfer between the individual media (water, gas, oil) by up to twice the values of commonly used recuperators (exhaust gas heat exchangers).

Being aimed at maximizing the gained heat output and minimizing the effects on the exhaust duct, the VENTOS heat exchanger exceeds in extremely low head loss and retains all the functional qualities of the source (boiler, co-generating unit, etc.) at the same time. 

How much energy can you save

By installing a VENTOS heat exchanger usinga steam or hot-water boiler or a co-generating unit, it is possible to achieve:

  • 5-8 % economy of the primary fuel (in kWh),
  • an increase in efficiency of an up-to-date steam, gas or oil boiler from 89 % to 107 % taking advantage of condensation (97 % without condensation),
  • -          an increase in efficiency of an up-to-date hot-water boiler from 93 % to over 97 %.

By installing a VENTOS heat exchanger toa bakery oven, it is possible to achieve:

  • an improvement in the utilization of waste heat (8 - 12 % in average),
  • an increase in the heat rate with continuous ovens by 25 - 55 kWh,
  • an increase in the heat rate with box, rotary and stack ovens by 7 - 20 kWh.


Within the utilization of waste heat, we design overall optimization of the production process and heat consumption, achieving average efficiency of energy supplies by means of heat recovery of up to 95 %.

Delivery station with accumulation tank for bakeriesDelivery station with accumulation tank for bakeries
Placing the exhaust gas exchanger on the roof before insulating the connection kits.Placing the exhaust gas exchanger on the roof before insulating the connection kits
Cooling towers with a covered absorption unitCooling towers with a covered absorption unit

Where the heat exchangers are used to save energy

With its unique technical parameters, the device can be used with any energy-consuming source of heat, for example:

  • steam and hot-water boilers,
  • technology furnaces in the baking and meat-processing industry,
  • technologies in the food industry,
  •  technologies in machine-building, metallurgy and the chemical industry,
  • the automotive industry including paintshops. 

Energy savings for your industrial facilities 

If interested in the possibilities of increasing the energy savings in your industrial or production processes, do not hesitate to contact us and arrange a personal consultation to discuss your needs. 

Items with * are mandatory.

2012 - 2025 © Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s., Tovární 205, 408 01, Rumburk, +420 412 354 613,
Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s. je součástí české strojírenské skupiny SkyLimit Industry
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