
Our company has struggled for excellence since it was founded. That is why the 3D construction and development team was established, being expected to renew the common product range to a level matching the top European standard.

Thanks to our hard work, we have been successful in improving the system of guided and static covers with CNC machines, we produce modern lifting platforms and many more construction units of top quality in our machine building part.

The most important achievement we have made is the technological improvement of the exhaust gas exchangers efficiency.  Based on our own unique technology we have been able to help many big and small companies in the Czech Republic as well as other countries to save millions through cutting on operation costs. In this section we will introduce some of them ...

Energy Savings

The Ventos company is mainly focused on decreasing the nominal consumption of energy used in production and minimization of heat, cold and electricity production costs. Considering the significant increase in the costs of energy (natural gas, heating oil as well as black and brown coal), it is our priority to utilize the primary input energy sources to the maximum extent.

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3D Construction and Development

The 3D construction department is one of the most important parts of our company. Here, the models of the exhaust gas heat exchangers are developed together with machine covers, access platforms, ladders and many other technological units.  Nearly any set of components produced as a complete unit is modelled in 3D programs.

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Noise Protection Cabins

The VENTOS s.r.o. company specializes in the production of noise protection cabins. We can adapt to any built over area to be able meet our customer's requirements. On request, the cabins can be delivered including heating and air-conditioning applications. The delivery includes lighting and ventilation equipment and mechanical or electrical devices for opening the cabin door.  

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Machine Covers

Our company is well equipped for designing and producing virtually any kind of covers for machines, drying applications, ovens or any assembly units requiring covers to be installed.      Machine covers are a modern way of improving the working environment quality as well as the function of the machine itself or its operation.

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Machine Building

In the field of machine building, we manufacture exhaust gas heat exchangers including accessories, machine covers, welding units, lifting platforms, air-conditioning pipelines, etc.

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Interested in our references? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will offer you a money-saving solution tailored to your needs.

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2012 - 2025 © Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s., Tovární 205, 408 01, Rumburk, +420 412 354 613,
Ventos Energy Solutions, a.s. je součástí české strojírenské skupiny SkyLimit Industry
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